
Decided to say f it

A small business in nc I was hired at was bought out by a big corporation out in Cali. I am normally very positive and happy. My love language is gift giving and try to help ppl out. A manager there was rumored to be sleeping with the last owner. Got 16 ppl fired. She’s verbally abusive. She reminds subordinates that she is a manager and can do what she likes. Even makes her employees drive two hours (round trip) off the clock to escort her to work, that’s if she comes at all. Some of us can work remotely. I been there for four months, and I try to stay friendly and positive. I have a horrible temper. I go 0- death row, there’s no in between. My biological father actually murdered someone. So I became a passive person bc I was afraid of becoming him, unless someone I…

A small business in nc I was hired at was bought out by a big corporation out in Cali. I am normally very positive and happy. My love language is gift giving and try to help ppl out.
A manager there was rumored to be sleeping with the last owner. Got 16 ppl fired. She’s verbally abusive. She reminds subordinates that she is a manager and can do what she likes. Even makes her employees drive two hours (round trip) off the clock to escort her to work, that’s if she comes at all. Some of us can work remotely.
I been there for four months, and I try to stay friendly and positive. I have a horrible temper. I go 0- death row, there’s no in between. My biological father actually murdered someone. So I became a passive person bc I was afraid of becoming him, unless someone I cared about is in a conflict.
I have been going to therapy to become more assertive and setting boundaries so I can have a happy medium, no passive to death row. So I been avoiding conflict with her.

She is a terrible human. She says she has gone through trauma, so fuck everyone. My mentality is I been raped and conceived a child, has a rib broken by my father, and molested by his son (half brother), my mom can’t love me bc I was also conceived out of rape and I look too much like him. So my outlook is I don’t want anyone to feel the pain that I do so I over compensate with kindness that usually gets taken advantage of.

Last Friday was the last straw. I sat down in her office and asked her to not cut me off when I’m talking to her, not to talk down to me and show me respect. She pointed at me and goes “that’s the last time you’ll be assertive to me.” And tells my boss if I talk to her like that again she’ll fire me on the spot. I’m not even in her department.

I called HR and formally filed a hostile work environment claim, have an employment lawyer on call, wrote a 5 pg claim with everything she’s done and what I’ve witnessed, cutting their handbook, and medical journals about health effects, and pdf of the EEOC Gov. highlighted. Everyone in the office except her team are on board to give their testimonies on how she’s been abusive to them. Her and her team doesn’t even know that tomorrow HR is coming in to investigate and interview everyone. Everyone is excited, calling me the messiah, although I don’t think she’ll get fired.
When I talked to HR on the phone, they were flabbergasted that she said she would fire me on the spot. They said my own supervisor couldn’t even do that (which my supervisor wrote a statement saying that she said that to back me up and emailed it to them).
I asked for them to review her records from before the buy out but there’s probably nothing there bc it kept getting swept under the rug.
HR and the VP had to come out last month for conflict resolution btw her and another manager.
I’m tired of being nice. I’m tired of being kind and taken advantage of. I was scared bc I know her and her team will be bitches to me, but I forgot who I am. I’m a survivor, I hold multiple degrees. I got my mba in four months (humble brag), fuck her. What is she going to do that I haven’t experienced. I remembered I fear no bitch.

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