
I’m going to enter middle management, any advice?

So I found out yesterday that I’m going to manage a team. I’ve always poo-poo’d the idea of being a useless middle manager that delegates work to subordinates on lower salaries. Maybe I’ve sold out by saying yes, but I’ve said yes in the hope that I might be able to be a boss that shields the team from the politics and BS from management, and make sure they are treated and paid fairly. But I haven’t given much thought into how you go about doing those things at a practical level. Anyone got any advice?

So I found out yesterday that I’m going to manage a team. I’ve always poo-poo’d the idea of being a useless middle manager that delegates work to subordinates on lower salaries.

Maybe I’ve sold out by saying yes, but I’ve said yes in the hope that I might be able to be a boss that shields the team from the politics and BS from management, and make sure they are treated and paid fairly. But I haven’t given much thought into how you go about doing those things at a practical level.

Anyone got any advice?

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