
Interesting for Me to Post Here

So, cut back to 8 years ago, I got fired from McDonald's over missing a singular day because my manager forgot to schedule me in for that day so I thought I was off. After that, I struggled for 4-ish years trying to get a job only to be denied over and over again as well as being discriminated against, one threatened to call the cops on me for no reason and I just decided that, apparently, I am not meant to have any sort of job. Hadn't bothered looking for one since somewhere around 2018 or 2019. Sadly, due to this, I am dirt poor with no income and I live in a ghetto with my boyfriend who also has no luck in this world. His mum lets us stay here to keep her sane, she's… pretty nutty, to be honest, but she's a good person who is misguided.…

So, cut back to 8 years ago, I got fired from McDonald's over missing a singular day because my manager forgot to schedule me in for that day so I thought I was off. After that, I struggled for 4-ish years trying to get a job only to be denied over and over again as well as being discriminated against, one threatened to call the cops on me for no reason and I just decided that, apparently, I am not meant to have any sort of job. Hadn't bothered looking for one since somewhere around 2018 or 2019.

Sadly, due to this, I am dirt poor with no income and I live in a ghetto with my boyfriend who also has no luck in this world. His mum lets us stay here to keep her sane, she's… pretty nutty, to be honest, but she's a good person who is misguided. I do want to make some kind of income so that I can finally leave the US with my boyfriend, but I don't know if that's even possible since I don't want anything to do with jobs due to the trauma and abuse I had to deal with.

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