
Angry. I’m being made to use a vacation day for jury duty. Seriously about to put 2 weeks in.

I want to post the texts between my boss and I, but last time I tried I couldn’t post text on specific days. Here’s what’s up. So I work midnights, my shift is 9:30pm – 6A.M. Two weeks ago I told my boss I got called in for jury duty, in May I told her I got a letter and will be expecting a call I didn’t know when. So this was not out of the blue. I texted her and told her Im done with jury duty and I might need an extra day to get my sleep on track again because I’m tired early now, She texts me back and asks me if I can either come in TONIGHT or use a vacation day because they’re short handed. So she completely ignored my request for one and I don’t think it’s fair that I had jury duty at…

I want to post the texts between my boss and I, but last time I tried I couldn’t post text on specific days. Here’s what’s up. So I work midnights, my shift is 9:30pm – 6A.M.
Two weeks ago I told my boss I got called in for jury duty, in May I told her I got a letter and will be expecting a call I didn’t know when. So this was not out of the blue. I texted her and told her Im done with jury duty and I might need an extra day to get my sleep on track again because I’m tired early now, She texts me back and asks me if I can either come in TONIGHT or use a vacation day because they’re short handed. So she completely ignored my request for one and I don’t think it’s fair that I had jury duty at 9 in the morning (woke up at 5:30 A.M.) got out of jury duty at 4P.M, and she expects me to work at 9:30 pm…and I had no choice but to do my jury duty… my boss is basically docking a vacation day of mine for jury duty because I’m not coming in and staying up 24 hours working a midnight shift and than driving the hour ride home, and I think it’s really messed up that my boss would even expect that of me, and if I can’t do it I’m being docked a vacation day. Which I was gonna use anyway, but it’s the principle that she is making me and for jury duty. She never responded to me about how hard it would be on me physically to come in that very night, and less than 5 mins later my coworker texts me and tries to guilt me into coming in, and acting like no one knows I was taking off, tells me I need to let my group leader know. So I do just that and I say “Robert told me to tell you I’m not coming in tonight, because I had jury duty this morning and was released at 4 in the evening.” And she responds “so you are coming in today right?” and then when I accidentally send her a live picture of the jury duty letter with me screaming about how pissed I am in said live picture lmao she responds “oh sorry misread your text!” And I just don’t get how!!!? I’m seriously about to quit over this. One of my coworkers who works 2pm to 11 is taking off an entire day for 3 doctors appointments. You’re telling me she can’t do one a day or even squeeze two before 2PM….come on now. I wouldn’t really care if they weren’t constantly talking shit about me and telling me how not sleeping is much easier when you’re young. no actually it isn’t. I was on day shift for 10 weeks and they gave me half a day to get on track and only because I told them hey if you want me to come back tonight I need to go home at lunch and get some sleep, and I made that shift, it was exhausting. Im just really despising these people. And I have to work tonight but I’m probably not going to I told my boss but she ignored me and asked if I could come in last night. So I’m not sure what that means.

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