
Trying to reach a settlement with my former employer for multiple labor violations, could use any advice/support

This is in CA. I reported my old boss to the labor board for late paychecks. The waiting time penalties add up to a little over $3800. I also let him and his lawyer know I was reporting him to the IRS for misclassifying me as an IC. He and his lawyer are trying to make everything go away for just $3000, less than what he owes me for late paychecks let alone what he’ll owe me for taxes and what he’ll probably owe in fines. I have some evidence of the late paychecks and I know for a fact he misclassified me (and likely others). I’m not willing to let him get away for just $3000. But at the same time, I don’t want to proceed to a hearing. And although I know I’m right (and he knows it too), the back and forth with his lawyer has me…

This is in CA. I reported my old boss to the labor board for late paychecks. The waiting time penalties add up to a little over $3800. I also let him and his lawyer know I was reporting him to the IRS for misclassifying me as an IC. He and his lawyer are trying to make everything go away for just $3000, less than what he owes me for late paychecks let alone what he’ll owe me for taxes and what he’ll probably owe in fines.

I have some evidence of the late paychecks and I know for a fact he misclassified me (and likely others). I’m not willing to let him get away for just $3000. But at the same time, I don’t want to proceed to a hearing. And although I know I’m right (and he knows it too), the back and forth with his lawyer has me really anxious. Any words of advice or just emotional support would be greatly appreciated right now.

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