
Amazing things that has happened at my workplace

So I work as an electric bike deliverer at a popular pizza joint. I can't slander the company, so to give you a hint it rhymes with mommy knows Lisa. Anyways, here's the list: The batteries and bikes are crap. Before you start your shift you need to test your bike without clocking in beforehand. The bikes are put on the other side of the road and the batteries are upstairs of the company, so without getting paid you walk back and forth at least twice before you find a battery and bike combo that works. I got scolded once for taking 1.5 hours to return back from a delivery. That's because the batteries are unpredictable and died on me when I was at the farthest location we deliver. Biking with no battery is HEAVY and it was in the deadass middle of a cold winter. It isn't like I…

So I work as an electric bike deliverer at a popular pizza joint. I can't slander the company, so to give you a hint it rhymes with mommy knows Lisa.

Anyways, here's the list:

The batteries and bikes are crap. Before you start your shift you need to test your bike without clocking in beforehand. The bikes are put on the other side of the road and the batteries are upstairs of the company, so without getting paid you walk back and forth at least twice before you find a battery and bike combo that works.

I got scolded once for taking 1.5 hours to return back from a delivery. That's because the batteries are unpredictable and died on me when I was at the farthest location we deliver. Biking with no battery is HEAVY and it was in the deadass middle of a cold winter. It isn't like I wanted to take my time.

Last year when I was audibly sick I told the manager I'll be taking a day off the next day to do a covid test. He asked me what time the test was, I told him in the morning. The next day after my test and me waiting for the test results he called me up and said I should still come to work because it was busy… And I did.

Also last year, there was a storm and the country had a code red. Lot's of companies closed during that time for the safety of their employees. Many of us said we didn't feel safe because the wind can push us off our bikes and trees were being blown down n shit, but they didn't care. We still had to go to work. We took pictures of weather related incidents we came across during deliveries, posted them in the company whatsapp group and commented on each other's posts. The manager basically told us to stfu and stop complaining.

There was a time I had the stomach flu and contacted the manager to call in sick the night before work instead of the morning of, because I wanted to sleep as much as possible to not deal with the suffering as much. He told me 'thats not how this work. Come to work tomorrow and then we'll see how it goes'. This time I did choose for myself and told him I just won't be coming.

You have to arrange your own replacement that takes over your shift when you can't work, if you don't succeed you need to work anyways. Even if you can't physically be there, like a colleague who's flight got cancelled and he had to stay in a different country for an extra day. (He managed to arrange it last minute, but would love to know the outcome if he didn't)

There are mice we all know of. We call the brown mice Remy because someone made a meme with Ratatouille music with a picture of one of the brown mice. The costumers won't see them because they're everywhere besides at the front of the store. But us drivers just come across them once in a while when we're eating during our break, doing the dishes or putting our bikes in or out of the bicycle shed. I got jumpscared once so badly doing the dishes, cause one big black mouse (could've been a rat even) decided to sprint across the room. There are like three mouse traps but clearly don't do anything.

I work there for 8 months now. I would've looked for another job long time ago if it wasn't for me trying to move to a different city and get a job there. But the house market is shite and months has passed before I know it. So until then I get to further enjoy the wonders of this workplace :')

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