
Went to get some ice cream today until I saw a 12 year old working there.

I walked into the store and as I was waiting in the line, I got to the counter and I ask with concern how old the kid is. He said he just turned 12. Now why the fuck do these “family businesses” get to abuse a loophole to let their employee’s children work? It’s fucking disgusting. You have to be a sick parent to take your kid’s childhood away like that. Fuck these family businesses. I told him to have a nice day and I took my business elsewhere. I will not support any business that has literal children there. How about instead of taking advantage of children, you hire adults and give them a living wage?

I walked into the store and as I was waiting in the line, I got to the counter and I ask with concern how old the kid is. He said he just turned 12. Now why the fuck do these “family businesses” get to abuse a loophole to let their employee’s children work? It’s fucking disgusting. You have to be a sick parent to take your kid’s childhood away like that. Fuck these family businesses. I told him to have a nice day and I took my business elsewhere. I will not support any business that has literal children there. How about instead of taking advantage of children, you hire adults and give them a living wage?

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