
the psychology of brainwashing and how it pertains to your job

“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” -L. Ron Hubbard The psychology surrounding brainwashing, particularly in cults, is fascinating. An infallible leader, exercising complete control, using an ever escalating orientation full of loaded language to take advantage of it's members; promising advancements while simultaneously scolding anyone's disappearance or absence. In such groups there is typically an inward benefit that causes detriment to others in order for a leader and their inner circle to maintain a lifestyle of financial gains but how does one achieve such control over others? Let us become the creators of achievements that glorify the great era of Kim Jong Un! -North Korean Propaganda Slogan First, you must recruite the proper applicants. Applicants who are financially vulnerable with little connections to the outside world are best. After all we're a family here. Second, promise something significant to…

“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”

-L. Ron Hubbard

The psychology surrounding brainwashing, particularly in cults, is fascinating. An infallible leader, exercising complete control, using an ever escalating orientation full of loaded language to take advantage of it's members; promising advancements while simultaneously scolding anyone's disappearance or absence. In such groups there is typically an inward benefit that causes detriment to others in order for a leader and their inner circle to maintain a lifestyle of financial gains but how does one achieve such control over others?

Let us become the creators of achievements that glorify the great era of Kim Jong Un!

-North Korean Propaganda Slogan

First, you must recruite the proper applicants. Applicants who are financially vulnerable with little connections to the outside world are best. After all we're a family here.

Second, promise something significant to the applicant. Joining will cure you of your disability or disease. At the end of your life you'll enjoy perpetual happiness.

Third, pamper the recruit a little bit. Make sure their physical body is comfortable and that they feel at home. Give them a little gift (e.g. a water bottle or clothing item)

For this next part the goal here is to strip the new member of their individualism and replace it with the company culture.

A great way to do this would be to keep subordinates busy until they can mo longer focus on anything metaphysical. 100% of the thoughts going through a subordinates mind will be What they are doing with their hands / when can they use the bathroom / when can they sit down for a second / when they can get a drink of water etc. etc. all these things are physical and indicative of the id.

Have you ever heard “The reward for good work is more work” keep them busy and they can't think past what's right in front of them.

Maintain that your subordinates metaphysical subconscious be stripped down to the physical conscious or id for at least 45mins. Always maintain this state longer than the last time they were in it. This is part of the ever escalating indoctrination.

Once the subconscious begins re-emerging offer the group something similar to a pizza party. surround that new recruit with established members who are all dressed the same under a banner telling you you're essentially a hero.

Next ditch the subordinates autonomy. Get them dependent on the group. Is your job understaffed? if one employee can't handle the work of two, is there an ever escalating expectation for you to help? Do you need your coworkers donated sick days if you fall ill? Programming like this can be really strong and have someone believe they have an obligation to go above and beyond just to quell the groups programed unrest.

Keep in mind if someone tries to leave they will be scolded. Maybe even fired. Tell them they will never work for you again and have them leave the premises before they're able to converse with coworkers. You do not want anyone thinking leaving is easy or rewarding.

It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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