
Employees aren’t chipping in. Please help.

I’m a successful CEO of a company with around 200 subordinates, or ‘subs,’ as I call them. Last week was my birthday and every sub was supposed to contribute $100 so I could get new sails for my boat. My floor manager just told me that some of the minimum wage workers were refusing to chip in. That really hurts my feelings and I’m worried about how this situation might impact workplace morale. Is there a way I can pay the freeloaders less than minimum wage? Or at least dock their pay until they contribute the $100 for my birthday? I’m at my wits end and I hope this subreddit can help me remedy this situation. What will my friends at the sailing club say if they see me with the same old sails I used last week?

I’m a successful CEO of a company with around 200 subordinates, or ‘subs,’ as I call them.

Last week was my birthday and every sub was supposed to contribute $100 so I could get new sails for my boat.

My floor manager just told me that some of the minimum wage workers were refusing to chip in.

That really hurts my feelings and I’m worried about how this situation might impact workplace morale.

Is there a way I can pay the freeloaders less than minimum wage? Or at least dock their pay until they contribute the $100 for my birthday?

I’m at my wits end and I hope this subreddit can help me remedy this situation.

What will my friends at the sailing club say if they see me with the same old sails I used last week?

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