
That‘s it, I‘m a leftist now thanks to you wonderful people

I used to be conservative economically, yk like those don’t tread on me capitalist free market people. After having the worst experience at two restaurant jobs where I was exploited or made minimum wage, I‘ve experienced and seen enough. Fuck the rich, fuck those who don‘t want essential workers to live more comfortably and fuck anyone who sees nothing wrong with wasting your precious time making your unskilled boss richer. You guys supported me with kind words and empathy, something capitalists are not willing to do. I love y‘all

I used to be conservative economically, yk like those don’t tread on me capitalist free market people. After having the worst experience at two restaurant jobs where I was exploited or made minimum wage, I‘ve experienced and seen enough. Fuck the rich, fuck those who don‘t want essential workers to live more comfortably and fuck anyone who sees nothing wrong with wasting your precious time making your unskilled boss richer. You guys supported me with kind words and empathy, something capitalists are not willing to do. I love y‘all

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