
I got fired from the best job that’s ever happened to me for no reason

I’ve been struggling with a lot of hiring discrimination because I live in a bad area, below the poverty line as a transgender woman. So getting hired selling magic the gathering cards was the best possible thing that could happen to me. For context, over the last year a lot of bad shit has happened. I lost my entire family because of their bigotry, my father threatened to murder me, daily street harassment, and losing my last job when I complained about getting called slurs by customers. That’s not even everything but it gives you an idea as to what it’s been like. Last night I got a message from my boss saying that he didn’t want me on anymore so that he could look into ‘other casual options’. I haven’t been working there for long but every shift I went above and beyond to make myself as valuable as…

I’ve been struggling with a lot of hiring discrimination because I live in a bad area, below the poverty line as a transgender woman. So getting hired selling magic the gathering cards was the best possible thing that could happen to me.

For context, over the last year a lot of bad shit has happened. I lost my entire family because of their bigotry, my father threatened to murder me, daily street harassment, and losing my last job when I complained about getting called slurs by customers. That’s not even everything but it gives you an idea as to what it’s been like.

Last night I got a message from my boss saying that he didn’t want me on anymore so that he could look into ‘other casual options’. I haven’t been working there for long but every shift I went above and beyond to make myself as valuable as possible, because I’m not getting another job like this anytime soon.

I feel so hurt. He was my friend before he hired me, he knows just how bad my situation is and still sacked me. I don’t feel that he’s being truthful about the reason, I was the best option by far.

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