
Reminder: if you are being slighted or mistreated by your company, go to HR. Documentation is everything if you’re trying to file for unemployment or a file a lawsuit

Document document document. I was an executive assistant for the CEO of a medium sized company when I was 24. The way he treated me was absolutely disgusting. I was just a piece of meat to him . My favorite quote was “if you wore a shorter dress to work every day, I'd give you a raise.” The dress I wore went down to my knees. He bought me clothes that he wanted me to wear. I was such an idiot looking back. I went along with it all because I didn't know what else to do. I was being paid salary and when I took time off he treated my wage as hourly- which isnt legal. Looking back, I wish I documented this shit. We didn't have a real hr dept but if I documented and recorded our conversations when he was being a skeeze I'd probably be a…

Document document document. I was an executive assistant for the CEO of a medium sized company when I was 24. The way he treated me was absolutely disgusting. I was just a piece of meat to him . My favorite quote was “if you wore a shorter dress to work every day, I'd give you a raise.”

The dress I wore went down to my knees. He bought me clothes that he wanted me to wear. I was such an idiot looking back. I went along with it all because I didn't know what else to do.

I was being paid salary and when I took time off he treated my wage as hourly- which isnt legal.

Looking back, I wish I documented this shit. We didn't have a real hr dept but if I documented and recorded our conversations when he was being a skeeze I'd probably be a millionaire by now.

Document everything. Tell hr everything.

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