
Need some advice – leaving my law firm

Hi everyone, I’m 23 years old and graduated from college last year. I got a job at a top-notch law firm last March after nearly harassing them for an internship. At the time I was working for $23 at a bank and left to work for $16 here. I was super bored, voiced my opinion to my manager and moved up into a different role/dept. Fast forward, 10 months into knew department and I quite literally hate my boss, my company, my coworkers and legit my job. I love to learn and am so stagnant. I’ve voiced my opinion to my boss and HR, but got shut down by both. they couldn’t even meet me halfway on the pay raise i was asking for. anyways, they also told me the cliche “you’re next” for a promotion and someone else got it (my boss loves people who give her that extra…

Hi everyone,

I’m 23 years old and graduated from college last year. I got a job at a top-notch law firm last March after nearly harassing them for an internship. At the time I was working for $23 at a bank and left to work for $16 here. I was super bored, voiced my opinion to my manager and moved up into a different role/dept.

Fast forward, 10 months into knew department and I quite literally hate my boss, my company, my coworkers and legit my job. I love to learn and am so stagnant. I’ve voiced my opinion to my boss and HR, but got shut down by both. they couldn’t even meet me halfway on the pay raise i was asking for. anyways, they also told me the cliche “you’re next” for a promotion and someone else got it (my boss loves people who give her that extra confidence boost she needs).

Anyways, i am absolutely miserable. Im looking for a new job in the same field as I want to pursue law school in the future, but I feel like people think i’m under qualified because of the years of experience vs my actual skill set.

What can I do to stand out to new companies? Should I apply to places even though I know I might lack a qualification or two? How can I move up in a law firm without pulling my hair out?

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