
So what are we going to do about it?

This subreddit is great; the ideas presented are often seeking a total reform of work in which employees and the working class are treated fairly, paid a true living wage, have a healthy separation of work/life with a focus on their personal lives, and have benefits that suit people's needs. All of these ideas, I believe, are felt and embodied by a vast swath of working class people, especially in the United States, where societal expectations of work are ludicrous (unfair wages, work is treated as people's identities, working under conditions such as when a working is I'll or unsafe working conditions, etc.) That being said, this subreddit has the power to actually do something. What if we all agree to take a sick/personal day. Just one day, where we take off. A national work slowdown for one day, at no risk to any of us (aside from taking that…

This subreddit is great; the ideas presented are often seeking a total reform of work in which employees and the working class are treated fairly, paid a true living wage, have a healthy separation of work/life with a focus on their personal lives, and have benefits that suit people's needs. All of these ideas, I believe, are felt and embodied by a vast swath of working class people, especially in the United States, where societal expectations of work are ludicrous (unfair wages, work is treated as people's identities, working under conditions such as when a working is I'll or unsafe working conditions, etc.)

That being said, this subreddit has the power to actually do something. What if we all agree to take a sick/personal day. Just one day, where we take off. A national work slowdown for one day, at no risk to any of us (aside from taking that one day off) as both a sign of solidarity and to see just how much power we wield.

There are 2 million people on this sub. Let's say half are relatively active with checking the sub and are working (and not minors in school). That's 1 million people. Let's say a quarter of us are actually willing to take a day off. That's 250,000 employees around the world showing they are willing to actually do something to demonstrate to those in power that things need to change. The momentum from this slowdown will be momentous; working people who have never heard of this sub or it's ideas could be exposed to them, news agencies may pick it up and (while trying to demonize the movement) may help bring others into this space (and let's hope our news recognition goes better than the last time…).

So, I propose that on November 4th, the day before the anniversary of the Everett Massacre – where International Workers of the World (IWW) members violently clashed with police and corporate militias – we call out from work. No risk to any of us individually, but together we can see how much power the working masses can have with just taking one, singular day off.

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