
Less than a month in at Walmart and already just ran into my first roadblock +an additional problem for everyone right from the first day

Tldr, shifts purposely getting cut just 30 minutes short of giving me a lunch break. It started out nice when the hiring manager manually made my schedule because it was set up great. 6 hours, 1 hour lunch, 4 days a week. Perfect. Just an average casual part time work load at 15 per hour. That is, until my schedule was handed over to the computer and the 2 main leads that audit it. So the system conveniently (via corporate's anti worker programming) schedules everyone in the most efficient way for the company as possible according to their availabilities and requested times off. The system however, is OK with putting people on their feet for 5.5 hours constantly waking all over the giant store with a single 15 minute break. So I used the open door policy to talk to one of the people who can audit the schedule. Me:…

Tldr, shifts purposely getting cut just 30 minutes short of giving me a lunch break.

It started out nice when the hiring manager manually made my schedule because it was set up great. 6 hours, 1 hour lunch, 4 days a week. Perfect. Just an average casual part time work load at 15 per hour. That is, until my schedule was handed over to the computer and the 2 main leads that audit it.

So the system conveniently (via corporate's anti worker programming) schedules everyone in the most efficient way for the company as possible according to their availabilities and requested times off. The system however, is OK with putting people on their feet for 5.5 hours constantly waking all over the giant store with a single 15 minute break.

So I used the open door policy to talk to one of the people who can audit the schedule.

Me: hey, I noticed that my next batch of schedules suddenly got weird and inconsistent, which cuts me short of getting my hour lunches, which are very important to me

Bootlicker: immediately reveals themselves to be a bootlicker we don't change schedules just to give people lunches, especially not part timers.

Me: wow, but, it's the computer that makes the schedules. And it was programmed by corporate-

Bootlicker: cuts me off just like everyone does cuz I try to be as kind, understanding, patient, and calm as possible in a world where everyone thinks they're more important so they just butt in front of you or cut you off we are not escalating this to corporate!

Me: constantly having to repeat myself to most people I talk to which is why I prefer text because then nobody can cut me off no, I'm not going to escalate it. I said they created the system, which is clearly only taking the company's efficiency to heart. But you as the person in control of the system here, can change that because you are a person here with us other people

Bootlicker: right, but that's not good for the company, so I'm not going to change the schedule to give you a lunch. That's the hours the computer gave you, so just like everyone else, you're just gonna have to deal with it. Besides, the difference in time isn't that big anyway. You'd only be working 30 extra minutes in the same time frame you'd have a lunch. Just eat before coming or bring something you can (inhale) eat in your 15 minutes, because employees aren't allowed to buy stuff on the clock.

Me: People steal stuff in the fridge, I've already seen it happen.

Bootlicker: if you've seen it happen, you need to report it.

Me: I mean I saw someone react to finding their food stolen.

Bootlicker: ah, well still, just eat before you get here then. You can last until you get home.

Me: gives up there cuz it was time for me to go home because another part of trying to be nice is not stopping my work to go talk to someone

I forgot to mention to Bootlicker that the lunch isn't just for eating. It's mostly to rest my dying feet. It also conveniently cuts the shift in half to help make the day seem like it's going by faster, because when you're spending time working instead of, ya know, living, it makes days go super slow and boring.

I just need to stick in here long enough to get a car so I can do scrap metal recycling and maybe other driving stuff that I can work alone and chill in. I'm tired of working retail and restaurants and getting screwed. My last job at Pizza hut was lost because I was out with covid too long for their taste even though I told them what was going on. I couldn't do anything for compensation either cuz Florida and right to work and fire for any reason or whatever. No mercy anymore. I'm gonna use every tool I can reach to fuck Walmart. Reasonable accommodation, open door, escalating, and using my knowledge of where the cameras are to get away with as little fucking work as fucking possible.

So, what was the bonus issue everyone starts with when joining Walmart? The phones. Depending on if you're not dirt broke, or if you are, the problem is different. For those who aren't, you're expected to download a shit ton of apps on your personal phone to use as a scanner and other work related stuff, because scanners were too expensive I guess and were just another cost to cut (and so they can monitor your device more than anyone else could dream of and sell the fuck out of your data which is the modern day oil). For the broke people, the problem is that until you get the store provided phone which takes almost a month to do, you can't 2 factor authorize and get into any of Walmarts systems. Can't check your schedule, payment info, search where items are, price check, use the register and assign any relevant department services like fishing licenses, etc. So you're basically stuck finding your own way like a lost puppy that can only make the shelves look pretty.

One more bonus problem. Punch clocks are only in the back right corner of the store. The ready made food is in the front left corner of the store. Account for constantly long lines and the far distance you're likely to get asked questions by customers in and you quickly burn through break time, pretty much like with any job. It also sucks more here because Walmart is extremely strict on attendance. 5 points per 6 months and you're gone. So you better hope you don't catch every red light on the way to work and the lot isn't filled, or you'll quickly be fucked. Also better hope you don't randomly feel bad and have to leave early if you don't have enough protected time off built up to cover the rest of your shift. Cuz if not, that's half a point too.

Fun dystopia fact. Walmart is the biggest employer in most states. This ties well into the fact that bulk buying services are so popular in America because it was built for cars rather than people thanks to… rich people, again. Their lobbying over 100 years has killed any sense of true freedom someone can experience here. Subs like this tie hand in hand with fuckcars and not just bikes. If you're into stocks at all too trying to fuk hedgies like a diamond handed ape, then even more commonality. Eat the fucking rich. I'm so done with a few ruling us all. They're not even people. Fuck them. Could easily solve every problem in the world multiple times over but their inaction makes them the most evil people to ever exist. No economy type works when money is infinitely hoarded like a rich person high score against their rich friends and not ran back through the system. Eat them. Fucking eeeeeeat them. Stop fucking around and fucking EAT THEM. WHEN IS IT GOING TO FUCKING HAPPEN?!? HOW MUCH INEQUALITY WILL IT TAKE. WHAT IS THE FUCKING BREAKING POINT WHEN EVERYONE REALIZES IF THEY ACT, THEY WON'T BE ACTING ON THEIR OWN AND DON'T HAVE TO FEAR BEING SILENTLY SHUT DOWN?!?!

Ahem sorry. The revolution preparedness blood is boiling over in me more frequently with every passing day caged in this system.

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