
Probably about to get passed over for promotion. Time to move on?

As our company is growing, they are splitting us into three regions, creating three regional manager positions that will each oversee a half dozen locations. I am in my mid fifties, finishing up an MBA, and I have 32 years of solid, profitable experience. I would like this promotion for the new challenge, the chance to help some less experienced folks progress, and of course for the increase in pay. Here is the problem. We have a good old boy network here, and I’m pretty sure they are eyeballing someone that’s been a part of that good old boy network for a while. These folks all work at corporate, hang out together, and act like a bunch of frat boys with each other on our conference calls. This other person has 15 years here, but very little of it is in the actual operations of a location.. His experience is…

As our company is growing, they are splitting us into three regions, creating three regional manager positions that will each oversee a half dozen locations.

I am in my mid fifties, finishing up an MBA, and I have 32 years of solid, profitable experience. I would like this promotion for the new challenge, the chance to help some less experienced folks progress, and of course for the increase in pay.

Here is the problem. We have a good old boy network here, and I’m pretty sure they are eyeballing someone that’s been a part of that good old boy network for a while. These folks all work at corporate, hang out together, and act like a bunch of frat boys with each other on our conference calls.

This other person has 15 years here, but very little of it is in the actual operations of a location.. His experience is as the ‘special projects” guy and as the trainer. He does fill in for ops now and then because “he knows the computer”. I should note that his past opportunities have come because one of his relatives used to own the company.

I came to work here specifically in the hopes that an opportunity like this might arise, but I’m fairly certain this is a done deal before they even post the job.

Am I wrong to be bitter about this, especially when m boss has told me that I am the best manager he has in tis company? Am I out of line to move on if I get passed over? I just can’t seem to break into this inner circle and frankly it’s wearing me down.

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