
My boss “joked”about poising me to prove a point

My boss has an ego and cannot stand to be wrong. He has several restaurants concepts that I cannot eat at or scoffs when I look at ingredients because I have severe allergies. He looks at me completely straight faced and says, “I know you’re going to get mad at me for saying this, but I’ve put gluten in your food without you knowing, just to see if you had a reaction. I even have witnesses. I was ready to call an ambulance if needed but your allergy is in your head.” Needless to say, I lost it. Making a scene, I did not care. After he realized how irate I became, he smiled and said he was kidding.. I was hurt, betrayed.. To put someone’s life at risk to prove a point so you could be right… it was the most hurtful thing I’ve ever been told. Do I…

My boss has an ego and cannot stand to be wrong. He has several restaurants concepts that I cannot eat at or scoffs when I look at ingredients because I have severe allergies.

He looks at me completely straight faced and says, “I know you’re going to get mad at me for saying this, but I’ve put gluten in your food without you knowing, just to see if you had a reaction. I even have witnesses. I was ready to call an ambulance if needed but your allergy is in your head.”

Needless to say, I lost it. Making a scene, I did not care. After he realized how irate I became, he smiled and said he was kidding..
I was hurt, betrayed.. To put someone’s life at risk to prove a point so you could be right… it was the most hurtful thing I’ve ever been told.

Do I believe he did this? No, I have colleagues that always checked my food.

But I’ve been wanting to write this… get it off my chest, forget about it.
Unfortunately it’s a startup with no proper HR and even if I did tell people, they would defend my boss.

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