
“Let’s keep negativity out of the group chat.”

A policy change went out yesterday. Coming from upper management, it's no surprise that it was one that compromised efficiency. Front line customer services representatives are being required to transfer all service line adds to a customer's account, a task that only takes 2-3 minutes at most to do, to another department to be handled. Nothing says efficiency like turning a 2-3 minute call to customer service into a 5-10 minute one by having to be needlessly transferred. Not only that, but the department that they are being transferred to is in charge of signing up new customers. Their calls are usually 15-20 minutes and it's important that prospective callers are addressed quickly, so adding needless calls to their queue is just increasing the hold time. It's a waste of everyone's time, so I questioned the decision behind this policy in the group chat and pointed out its inefficiency. The…

A policy change went out yesterday. Coming from upper management, it's no surprise that it was one that compromised efficiency. Front line customer services representatives are being required to transfer all service line adds to a customer's account, a task that only takes 2-3 minutes at most to do, to another department to be handled. Nothing says efficiency like turning a 2-3 minute call to customer service into a 5-10 minute one by having to be needlessly transferred.

Not only that, but the department that they are being transferred to is in charge of signing up new customers. Their calls are usually 15-20 minutes and it's important that prospective callers are addressed quickly, so adding needless calls to their queue is just increasing the hold time.

It's a waste of everyone's time, so I questioned the decision behind this policy in the group chat and pointed out its inefficiency.

The response?

“Let's keep negativity out of the group chat.”

I'm just asking a question. What is the purpose behind this policy when it very clearly impedes our efficiency?

“Employee feedback is always welcome!” until you point out their ineptitude and ask for reasoning behind a decision, then its, “Don't be negative! You have an attitude problem. This kind of behavior will get you written up if it continues.”

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