
My company is requiring us to return to the office… so I can have a different zoom background?

I’m sure a lot of people are in a similar situation right now of companies requiring a return to in-person work. I’m just so frustrated. This is my first career in my field after graduating college this past May, and I specifically sought out remote work. When I interviewed, my now manager explained our team is located all over the country, so he didn’t see anything changing. I turned down a remote/in-person hybrid job that paid $10k more, because I could do my current job fully from home. Now suddenly, 3 months into my career, they decided to require all employees to come in 10 days a month. I planned my life around not having a commute- I just moved out of the city (where the office is located) to the suburbs, an hour train ride away. Maybe I’d be less angry if it weren’t for the fact that the…

I’m sure a lot of people are in a similar situation right now of companies requiring a return to in-person work. I’m just so frustrated. This is my first career in my field after graduating college this past May, and I specifically sought out remote work. When I interviewed, my now manager explained our team is located all over the country, so he didn’t see anything changing. I turned down a remote/in-person hybrid job that paid $10k more, because I could do my current job fully from home.
Now suddenly, 3 months into my career, they decided to require all employees to come in 10 days a month. I planned my life around not having a commute- I just moved out of the city (where the office is located) to the suburbs, an hour train ride away.
Maybe I’d be less angry if it weren’t for the fact that the team I work with is literally spread across the country; some are on the west coast, most are in the midwest, and I’m one of 3 on the east coast, but the only one in my state. I would literally be the only one from my team in my local office.

So basically: my job wants me to return to in person work so I can zoom my coworkers from their space instead of my own. Probably because they’re tired of wasting money on unused offices and would prefer to make that the employees’ problem.

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