
When will the DOL WHD begin working on investigation

This has been an ongoing issue I first reported over the phone to my HR manager I believed I was being overpaid he sent off the issue to someone higher than him and now on my latest check 2 months later I have been reduced in pay without notice and they have retroactively taken back some wages. Ive had little success finding out how much I owe and I am still being overpaid it is very frustrating not knowing where I stand in terms of true compensation and how much of this I need to payback HR cannot answer this instead they’re sending it off to corporate who probably won’t answer for another two months. I made a claim to the Department Of Labor yesterday under the claim my wages were reduced without written notice. I am a returning employee of the business and my boss has lead me to…

This has been an ongoing issue I first reported over the phone to my HR manager I believed I was being overpaid he sent off the issue to someone higher than him and now on my latest check 2 months later I have been reduced in pay without notice and they have retroactively taken back some wages. Ive had little success finding out how much I owe and I am still being overpaid it is very frustrating not knowing where I stand in terms of true compensation and how much of this I need to payback HR cannot answer this instead they’re sending it off to corporate who probably won’t answer for another two months. I made a claim to the Department Of Labor yesterday under the claim my wages were reduced without written notice. I am a returning employee of the business and my boss has lead me to believe I regained my seniority upon rehire since my employee number amongst other things had remained unchanged. Will the Department of labor investigate and look into the paper work surrounding my compensation and rehire? if I was found to be overpaid will they perform their own investigation as to the amount owed ?

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