
Holiday time means DO NOT CALL ME IN. Ever.

How does one have the gall to call someone in for work when they're 16,000 kilometres across the planet, then get frustrated and threaten to sabotage any other future career path the employee wants to take because I find the demands of a “senior superior” (title my boss gave himself) unreasonable in any case? I've been working for a large security firm at a dock for the last 4 years, patrol work, surveillance, etc. I took a month (26 days to be more precise) off of working 12 hour days, so I can visit my family back in the USA. My boss called me not 24 hours into my arrival, asking if I can get the next flight back for THREE DAYS because someone called in sick. Told him I'm oceans away and he said “surely it'll be okay, you can just take the holiday time after this”. No. It's…

How does one have the gall to call someone in for work when they're 16,000 kilometres across the planet, then get frustrated and threaten to sabotage any other future career path the employee wants to take because I find the demands of a “senior superior” (title my boss gave himself) unreasonable in any case?

I've been working for a large security firm at a dock for the last 4 years, patrol work, surveillance, etc.
I took a month (26 days to be more precise) off of working 12 hour days, so I can visit my family back in the USA.

My boss called me not 24 hours into my arrival, asking if I can get the next flight back for THREE DAYS because someone called in sick. Told him I'm oceans away and he said “surely it'll be okay, you can just take the holiday time after this”.

No. It's not okay. There are 6 employees on a 24 hour roster, I'm not even the person with the most time there. Threw in my hat, told him I'll work until I move in November but then I'm done.

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