
Speaking about automation, what does the endgame look like in your opinion?

Let’s say we’ve automated all the jobs we could possibly automate. What does the world look like now? Will the rich/ruling class/machine owners be dominating the 99.99%? Will people turn violent because they have no income, try to take down and blame automation or do people try to take control of the means of production? Will universal basic income become a necessity and will the government actually implement it before a crisis or will they let people starve on a mass scale first? Will the machine owners realise no one can buy what they produce without having income themselves and welcome UBI? Or will they just export their products elsewhere? Will countries that turn to UBI and automation bring in and exploit immigrants to do what little work there is to be done? No one knows what’s going to happen but I’d like to hear some opinions.

Let’s say we’ve automated all the jobs we could possibly automate. What does the world look like now?

Will the rich/ruling class/machine owners be dominating the 99.99%?

Will people turn violent because they have no income, try to take down and blame automation or do people try to take control of the means of production?

Will universal basic income become a necessity and will the government actually implement it before a crisis or will they let people starve on a mass scale first?

Will the machine owners realise no one can buy what they produce without having income themselves and welcome UBI? Or will they just export their products elsewhere?

Will countries that turn to UBI and automation bring in and exploit immigrants to do what little work there is to be done?

No one knows what’s going to happen but I’d like to hear some opinions.

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