Currently I work in a grocery store chain deli, and they treat the night shift like work bitch of the store. To where morning shift does NOTHING to help the night shift, yet we are expected to have everything ready for morning shift so all they have to do is walk in and stand around essentially. When the reality is we do the same things that morning shift does, and more given we have to close the department down.
Currently out managers have made an unreal list of things they want us to do, along with tacking on more bullshit. To where essentially we would have to stay here until midnight to 2 A.M doing it all. When our schedules end around 9-10 P.M., along with simply having real life responsibilities outside of work that just makes it's a impossible list to do. Given we need 4 people to pull it off, and we currently only have three, on an extremely busy weekend due to labor day, which means all three of us have little to no down time between helping customers and doing our daily required tasks. To even start tackling some of the items on the list.
So I'm curious if there's a way to say no to them, given I have pets to take care of at home. That depend on me to feed, walk and care for them. In which I simply cannot stay until stupid late tonight doing all that their demanding other than my normal duties that I have done since I've started working here. Given even then I pretty much have always worked past what my hours are supposed to be. In which some weeks I will have accumulated 5 hours of overtime, which isn't much compared to what others have to do. Yet for the extraneous tasks and demands I have outside of my job, it really has strained me.
I just want to be able to do my job, and if I can get to extra tasks then great as I'm all for doing this during down time. Yet on days like today when there is no feasible way to do what their demanding other than working a 12 hour shift, which I simply cannot do. I feel like I need and should have the power and right to say no. I don't have time to do it, and if it needed to be done they simply needed to schedule people to be able to handle the extra workload and demand given its a holiday weekend.