
20 hours stolen off my last paycheck

I worked for a major US airline until recently. I've had my issues with them throughout my work there. They gave me a salary quote, but paid me hourly. No overtime since we were “salary” employees, yet they deduct time if we leave early or trade a shift. Promises of bonuses to new hires to tell them later they are not getting them. Well, my last paycheck from them was 20 hours short. I cant even contact payroll because I'm no longer an active employee. I try going through HR but they can only be the messenger for what needs to be done, sending emails and cc'ing me in.The process is slow and tedious to even get a response from payroll. Fuck Envoy Airlines.

I worked for a major US airline until recently. I've had my issues with them throughout my work there. They gave me a salary quote, but paid me hourly. No overtime since we were “salary” employees, yet they deduct time if we leave early or trade a shift. Promises of bonuses to new hires to tell them later they are not getting them. Well, my last paycheck from them was 20 hours short. I cant even contact payroll because I'm no longer an active employee. I try going through HR but they can only be the messenger for what needs to be done, sending emails and cc'ing me in.The process is slow and tedious to even get a response from payroll. Fuck Envoy Airlines.

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