
Seeking advice. Illegal acts by management.

(I am fairly new to making reddit posts. If this is formatted incorrectly, please let me know). My little sister just got her first job at a Sephora (MD, USA) a few weeks ago, and she has already noticed poor management. (1) She asked a newer/younger employee what they were getting paid, and found out they were making more. She asked management why someone with less experience than her was getting paid more. The manager took her to the back and yelled at her for discussing wages with coworkers, stating that it's against their “policy” (but didn't show where in the written policy). We know it's illegal for companies to ban wage discussion. What we're having trouble with is getting this in writing, email, etc. (in order to report under the NLRA). Recording without consent is illegal in our state, so that's not an option. The managers are so lazy;…

(I am fairly new to making reddit posts. If this is formatted incorrectly, please let me know).

My little sister just got her first job at a Sephora (MD, USA) a few weeks ago, and she has already noticed poor management.

(1) She asked a newer/younger employee what they were getting paid, and found out they were making more. She asked management why someone with less experience than her was getting paid more. The manager took her to the back and yelled at her for discussing wages with coworkers, stating that it's against their “policy” (but didn't show where in the written policy). We know it's illegal for companies to ban wage discussion. What we're having trouble with is getting this in writing, email, etc. (in order to report under the NLRA). Recording without consent is illegal in our state, so that's not an option. The managers are so lazy; they avoid tiny tasks and would rather throw out product than write a simple label. So how can we get them to respond to an email?

(2) Manager collects cash tips (that were originally given to an employee), takes out taxes, then hands back the remaining amount to the employee. Is this fishy? Are they just pocketing some of the tips and using “taxes” as a cover-up?

(3) My sister's coworkers have been denied a 15-min break when they were working 6+ hours. (I believe the Shift Break law requires 15 mins of break for 4-6 hours of work).

(4) The staff turnover rate is incredibly high, and we're now seeing why. The management probably has been like this for a while. We'd like to put a stop to it.

Any advice is appreciated!

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