
99 cent only store fired me for having epilepsy

Said that I use it as a passive aggressive excuse not to work overtime. They kept waiting till I clocked out , to tell me don't clock back in just work register for 15 mins, which would always turn into a hour or more,. They said I never provided proof I was disabled, aside from telling them prior to applying, having a seizure at work, being driven to the emergency room by a coworker, and taking my prescription pills at work, I called HR. They put me on paid leave for a week while they investigate, I was told bring proof I have a disability, I brought in a folder with all my medical history pertaining to the epilepsy, a week later they call to meet. I get there and two huge buff dudes take my phone and say their LP they don't care about my disability, trap me in…

Said that I use it as a passive aggressive excuse not to work overtime. They kept waiting till I clocked out , to tell me don't clock back in just work register for 15 mins, which would always turn into a hour or more,. They said I never provided proof I was disabled, aside from telling them prior to applying, having a seizure at work, being driven to the emergency room by a coworker, and taking my prescription pills at work, I called HR. They put me on paid leave for a week while they investigate, I was told bring proof I have a disability, I brought in a folder with all my medical history pertaining to the epilepsy, a week later they call to meet. I get there and two huge buff dudes take my phone and say their LP they don't care about my disability, trap me in a room say if I leave , they'll fire me and make up charges that I was stealing, I wasn't, they then say I have to provide a written statement on everyone I know who is stealing at the store or again they can just make anything up, I try to talk when the LP says shut up I'm talking, I'm the man here your gonna listen, I start to have a seizure from the stress and was forced to sign my resignation. They kept my medical folder which had my latest perception for my anti seizure meds in there, keppra. I didn't notice till a week later when I needed it. I called them, only to be told yes we have it, you should have never gave it to us, it's our property now , have fun on disability. The HR lady told me that. Their lucky I have kids now, because being off my meds and a former gang member. My first thought, was okay. I'll catch them slipping. But I'ma just have a seizure, end of in the emergency room and get medicine that way, my nerou isn't open on the weekends. The headache and anger and paranoia and feeling of sadness is enough to make me even more hopeless. Fuck the 99 cent only store. I was told remove the moldy grapes from the bag, and put them back out instead trashing old product, same with milk set to expire that day with huge chunks and smell, leave it up to sell keep the fresh milk in the back. Evil company.

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