
Find out about labor laws in your State and your country.

As employee, you have certain rights that employers will happily gallop over if you let them. Find out what your rights are, how to report an employer, whether at the State level or Federal level. If you are a member of a Union, they should be able to do this for you. But otherwise, protect yourself by knowing what's what. Also be SURE to document everything! If you get some dicey instructions or directions, ask them to send you an email so you can be sure to understand properly. Document everything. Time, date, circumstances. Keep a “Work Diary.”

As employee, you have certain rights that employers will happily gallop over if you let them. Find out what your rights are, how to report an employer, whether at the State level or Federal level. If you are a member of a Union, they should be able to do this for you. But otherwise, protect yourself by knowing what's what. Also be SURE to document everything! If you get some dicey instructions or directions, ask them to send you an email so you can be sure to understand properly. Document everything. Time, date, circumstances. Keep a “Work Diary.”

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