
“Labor Day plans?”

Not my story, but my coworker's in my grocery store department: Apparently one of the co-owners of our company (a family business) asked her and a couple other employees, just to make small talk, “What are you guys doing for Labor Day?” and they had to go, “…We're working.” Like yeah, we don't all get our fun barbecues, some of us are making money for you! 🙂

Not my story, but my coworker's in my grocery store department: Apparently one of the co-owners of our company (a family business) asked her and a couple other employees, just to make small talk, “What are you guys doing for Labor Day?” and they had to go, “…We're working.” Like yeah, we don't all get our fun barbecues, some of us are making money for you! 🙂

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