
Work retaliation? Wrongful termination?

So the store owner at my job wanted me to open and by that she means to give me the store keys. I have worked there for a few weeks and am not comfortable doing so without increased pay to match that of others with the key. To preface, she said most of this outside of the building where there are no cameras. I talked with my owner that I would need increased pay for doing what I would consider more responsibilities. She talked with my in an aggressive tone and stated she was doing everything to help me and get the practice since I’m so young. I told her that even though I’m 21 I know what’s a fair and competitive compensation. Afterwards she kept pushing me to quit saying maybe this isn’t right for you and I made sure she knew that I was staying. I also said…

So the store owner at my job wanted me to open and by that she means to give me the store keys. I have worked there for a few weeks and am not comfortable doing so without increased pay to match that of others with the key.

To preface, she said most of this outside of the building where there are no cameras.
I talked with my owner that I would need increased pay for doing what I would consider more responsibilities. She talked with my in an aggressive tone and stated she was doing everything to help me and get the practice since I’m so young. I told her that even though I’m 21 I know what’s a fair and competitive compensation.

Afterwards she kept pushing me to quit saying maybe this isn’t right for you and I made sure she knew that I was staying. I also said is this going to affect my hours to which she replied yes because she needs an opener which was not stated in my hiring as I am a college student and had let them know of my schedule.

Eventually I realized that she was being shady, and brought the conversation inside and in front of my manager even after she pressured me to stay outside with her.

I began recording on my phone as proof that the conversation happened because she also denied my request to have a written statement saying that I won’t be getting increased pay.

In the end she decided to say that she will get with me on next weeks schedule. I said okay but still have the previous schedule saved on my phone. She hasn’t replied to any of my texts and it seems she is trying to avoid a paper trail because of the aforementioned avoiding cameras and no texting. I received a call from her but was busy at the time and she left no voicemail, which is unusual for her. Coworkers have sent me schedules that I’m not on at all. Is this wrongful termination? Or termination without notice? I don’t know what to do in this situation

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