
all modern social and societal disagreements are psyops

all modern societal disagreements are psyops the structural violence and oppression that most poor workers are operating under is a fear of poverty and not having a place to live is like an invisible gun constantly pointed at their head the whole time. In fact the system needs homelessness to continue to make that threat visible to the rest of us who are too proud to become homeless. So we devalue the humanity of the homeless too in the process and think of ourselves as better than. Yet it's all a lie, we're all wage slaves, one step removed from being homeless. It's forced labor under the guise of choice. You don't like it here, find another job. Except all the other jobs are like that too. There's no real choice. That's why people are so scared to stand up on their own, because they have no economic resources to…

all modern societal disagreements are psyops

the structural violence and oppression that most poor workers are operating under is a fear of poverty and not having a place to live is like an invisible gun constantly pointed at their head the whole time.

In fact the system needs homelessness to continue to make that threat visible to the rest of us who are too proud to become homeless. So we devalue the humanity of the homeless too in the process and think of ourselves as better than. Yet it's all a lie, we're all wage slaves, one step removed from being homeless.

It's forced labor under the guise of choice. You don't like it here, find another job. Except all the other jobs are like that too. There's no real choice.

That's why people are so scared to stand up on their own, because they have no economic resources to sustain themselves against the powerful disincentives to quit their wage slavery!!!

It's also why any attempt for workers to unionize and collectivize is met with huge resistance by the system.

It's also why psyops are created that divide the country.

There are many psyops operating right now. Anything that divides the populace is a psyop. It is being done on purpose to keep the masses atomized.

Some examples of psyops that are designed to divide the country and people are: COVID(science vs anti science) socialism vs capitalism, racism (racist vs anti racists), trans and LGBT issues vs religion and Christianity, anything that people hold near and dear to their hearts is used to polarize and divide the population. Can you think of any other examples? I am sure you can.

For instance you know movements are coopted by the corporate state when companies like Amazon embrace them even though they are extremely divisive issues, like BLM.

Whether you agree with social justice movements or not that is not the point. The point is to pit segments of the population against each other, to highlight and put in people's faces disagreements and force down the throat policies that would only be embraced by one side or the other to create intensity and emotional resonance and a violent reaction from one side against the other.

They turn one side into oppressor and the other side into the oppressed. This is happening daily. Why people are so angry is because the powers that be, want you to be angry, that is exactly the point. To distract you from the real Issues that matter, i.e. the balance of power between workers and the corporate inverted totalitarianism that we have been living under for ages now.

Meanwhile corporations are taking in record profits. The perputation and continuity of the system and the status quo is paramount while the individual is merely a replaceable cog in the machine.

That's how the system works, it's called structural violence.

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