
Thinking of quitting after week 1

I work in operations for a finance company, having been in the industry for about about 12 years. I worked for a large firm for 10 years, and since leaving there, have bounced between small/large firms (this being the 3rd in 2 years). I left the big one due to being offered a much better senior role with a smaller firm, but that turned into a 6 month nightmare (firm wasn't exactly 'above board' in how they ran things, which is a problem with me being in compliance/ oversight). The next firm was another big name firm, but took a paycut to join them ( I was looking to make a quick exit from the firm I was at due to said “above board” issues mentioned). My goal was to come in, show my worth, then ask for a raise, which I was told would not occur beyond the max…

I work in operations for a finance company, having been in the industry for about about 12 years. I worked for a large firm for 10 years, and since leaving there, have bounced between small/large firms (this being the 3rd in 2 years).

I left the big one due to being offered a much better senior role with a smaller firm, but that turned into a 6 month nightmare (firm wasn't exactly 'above board' in how they ran things, which is a problem with me being in compliance/ oversight).

The next firm was another big name firm, but took a paycut to join them ( I was looking to make a quick exit from the firm I was at due to said “above board” issues mentioned). My goal was to come in, show my worth, then ask for a raise, which I was told would not occur beyond the max 3% “cost of living” raises the firm gives annually, unless I promoted or took another role at the firm.

After having that conversation and knowing I wouldn't be getting a raise (for reference, I was hired for entry level wage for the role, with 10 yrs of experience), I opened my resume back up to public, and got an immediate from a recruiter for a role with a “growing firm”.

I thought I would be having one of those “tell me about yourself” 20 min interviews, but instead got a full interview and offer within 2 hours, for 150% salary increase, and a similar title/ role.

Suffice to say, I was shocked, but accepted it after reviewing and asking all the questions (hours, expectations, remote capabilities, etc .). I liked the role I was at, just not the pay. I asked for my firm to throw me a competing offer, and they said essentially “good luck and goodbye”.

So I start the new job. Day one, nothing is setup for me. No access, no email address, nothing. Everyone in the role has been there less than 4 months, the most tenured person I met had been there 1 year.

Red flags start popping up immediately for me. Boss is not a very friendly or accommodating person (day one I reached out to him asking questions about access, and was essentially told to “stop bothering” people about it, after a single email), I was told this would be remote in my offer 3days a week, and HR tells me that remote isn't considered appropriate until after one year, and then 1 day a week per year with firm. Can't get any clear answers about anything from anyone, and ultimately, I am not feeling like this is a great fit.

Even at the firms I didn't stay at, I was always made to feel welcome while onboarding. At this place, I feel like I'm a bother and they are rushing to get me up to speed not to work well, but to take over workload from others, which also doesn't equate to a 9-5 schedule, but more like a 10 hour day plus some evening/weekends at home to keep up.

Ultimately, I feel like I was mislead with a huge salary offer, and regret accepting it. I can't go back to my old firm, but also don't have any prospects at this point (I would be starting from scratch on a job search). I'm not even sure if I want to be in this industry anymore due to the last few roles and changing companies so quickly.

Part of me feels like this is new job anxiety, but the larger part feels like I'm already dialed out and don't care about this company after a single week due to the onboarding and direct management issues.

Has anyone else run into this? Is it just how the world works now?

I want something that I can work 9-5, partly remote, for reasonable pay. Is that a ridiculous expectation? I asked and confirmed this before hiring, and accepted on that understanding. None of those things are happening, I'm being rushed through onboarding and expected to “figure it out”. My boss acts like I'm not getting up to speed fast enough even though I STILL DONT HAVE access to the tools to do the job after my first week. I'm just fearful that it may be me, and not the job, and anything else I find is gonna be the same situation.

TL:DR- I hate my new high paying job, the role isn't what I thought I was accepting, the new boss is a jerk, and I'm ready to quit after 5 days.

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