
I work remotely, and was told I was being let go due to “overstaffing” over two weeks ago and last day would be the 2nd. Today is the 5th and I still have access and no one from the company has followed up with me.

Hey all, I'm trying to figure out what the hell is going on in this scenario. To note: This is a really sensitive REMOTE IT related position for a billion dollar corporation, one of the largest companies in it's industry in the entire US. I was hired on here as a contractor for a 6 month period, as they were beginning to roll out new hardware and needed more staff to be prepared. Not to get too deep into things, but essentially, this is what happened. I was told by my contract agent – SUDDENLY, that the company was over staffed and had said they were going to be letting me go on Friday the 19th. They told me this on the 17th. So 2 days ahead of time. This baffled me because we had been talking about how understaffed we were at every one of our team meetings lately.…

Hey all,

I'm trying to figure out what the hell is going on in this scenario. To note: This is a really sensitive REMOTE IT related position for a billion dollar corporation, one of the largest companies in it's industry in the entire US. I was hired on here as a contractor for a 6 month period, as they were beginning to roll out new hardware and needed more staff to be prepared.

Not to get too deep into things, but essentially, this is what happened.

I was told by my contract agent – SUDDENLY, that the company was over staffed and had said they were going to be letting me go on Friday the 19th. They told me this on the 17th. So 2 days ahead of time. This baffled me because we had been talking about how understaffed we were at every one of our team meetings lately. So I finished out that night of work like normal, and then the very next day I was called again by my agent company, letting me know – “The employer was actually able to give you a 2 week notice, so now, your final day will be August 2nd, instead of the 19th. So two more weeks”

I obviously was very confused. I had never in my entire life experienced a company giving an employee 2 weeks notice, especially a contractor. I wasn't sure how to take any of this so I just kind of rode with it thinking that maybe they were doing some weird fucking game, trying to weed out “quiet quitters” or something and see if people would just do the bare minimum, or less than that.

I just ignored it for the time being and finished out that week until the 19th, my original supposed end date, and then found out that one of my other coworkers had posted in our teams chat that they were being let go and via a pretty passive aggressive message, called out the supervisors. This was odd to me since it was the original date that I was told I would be let go on. But now someone else was let go instead.

So after looking into it, the other person who was let go had basically tuned out of the job over 2 months ago, they have done jack shit for work and hadn't completed more than like 1 or 2 tickets in the last 30 days. They were just logging in and claiming hours for being online. So I figured okay, this obviously has something to do with performance even though they are saying that it doesn't.

I had just had a performance review 2 days before being let go and my stats had improved by 166% over last month and was going up in stats almost everywhere. Was told everything was good. So I figured if this was some kind of test, I would just double down and bust my ass and put in maximum effort all day to get as much done as I realistically could for the remaining 2 weeks.

I was easily completing over 200% more tickets/work that I was previously and my quality hadn't dropped in resolving the issues either. Still though, after 1 1/2 weeks, no one had reached out to me from the actual company, even though I had been talking to the supervisors every single day working on other stuff. No one said a word to me about my last day, or letting me go or not.

The 2nd finally came, and I still have received no confirmation from anyone. I checked everything after my shift on the 2nd, and I still have access to all my systems for work. I checked through the weekend, and still had access to all my apps and elevated privilege account. I can still remote connect in to every single company location in the country and control everything I previously had access to.

It is now the 5th, and it's Labor Day. I logged in today because I figured if I still have access to everything, I would just work for the fuck of it to get some hours for the following week check just in case this last week does end up being my last week. And today, I still have access to everything, hell, even some of the other team senior techs, and a supervisor reached out to me over the weekend/this morning hitting me with a list of things to do that they normally assign out each day.

My main question/s out of all of this, is what the fuck is going on here?? Am I actually being let go? If so, is this company just so disorganized that they don't communicate what's going on to anyone? Or is it my agent company being weird? The fact that they let me know 2 weeks in advance i'd be let go, when i'm in such an extremely sensitive role such as this, is really startling to me. I have remote access to so many systems across the country that realistically speaking, one agent on a vendetta could cost the company millions of dollars from manipulating things.

And the other question is, if the 2nd was actually my last day, and since I have been online and working today. If I log the hours I have worked today, will they legally be required to pay them out to me? Or am I just expected to not sign back in again after the 2nd because that's what I was told by the one agent?

I've worked tech before and in the last instance this happened, I was let go on the spot and immediately had access to everything revoked. I couldn't even gain access to my emails anymore, LET ALONE the entire company network – every single store location.

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