
Store Manager Is Verbally Abusive

So this has been happening long before I started working here but just a couple days ago when I had a day off my brother was working and a customer was being belligerent with him, the Store Manager yells at him and because he's non confrontational he shuts down and refuses to talk whenever he's yelled at. The Manager starts yelling at him more so my brother just leaves early calling our mother to pick him up while crying. So now I'm pissed and I've decided from that day onward to raise hell for this guy. I'm recording his shitty behavior every chance I get and I'm sending it to HR and Ethics, anything else I should gather beforehand?

So this has been happening long before I started working here but just a couple days ago when I had a day off my brother was working and a customer was being belligerent with him, the Store Manager yells at him and because he's non confrontational he shuts down and refuses to talk whenever he's yelled at. The Manager starts yelling at him more so my brother just leaves early calling our mother to pick him up while crying.

So now I'm pissed and I've decided from that day onward to raise hell for this guy. I'm recording his shitty behavior every chance I get and I'm sending it to HR and Ethics, anything else I should gather beforehand?

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