
Am in the wrong?

So a couple of months ago I interviewed for a job (they didn’t hire me which I’m happy for but besides the point) that was a customer service/escalation team for a large health car provider in my area (Philadelphia). In the interview; mind you a group interview on zoom, we were told that from the start date (remote if it matters) that our training would take place over 10-12 weeks, which we could not miss any days (if we missed one they said huge red flag and if we missed two it was grounds for termination). Now I talked to a lot of people about this(they said it was disgusting), but my parental figure said that’d I should have been thankful that the organization viewed me as a potential candidate to hire and should have worked under those conditions. Is it wrong for me to view a 3 month training…

So a couple of months ago I interviewed for a job (they didn’t hire me which I’m happy for but besides the point) that was a customer service/escalation team for a large health car provider in my area (Philadelphia). In the interview; mind you a group interview on zoom, we were told that from the start date (remote if it matters) that our training would take place over 10-12 weeks, which we could not miss any days (if we missed one they said huge red flag and if we missed two it was grounds for termination). Now I talked to a lot of people about this(they said it was disgusting), but my parental figure said that’d I should have been thankful that the organization viewed me as a potential candidate to hire and should have worked under those conditions. Is it wrong for me to view a 3 month training with no absences as complete shit?

Mind you in the interview I accidentally let it slip that I “might” be able to do that which apparently they were not to thrilled about.


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