
Temporary Promotion has come to an end. Being asked to keep on doing the same job for less pay.

Long time lurker, first time posting here. So about two years ago I was given a temporary promotion, dressed up as a development opportunity (I know, right) and like a sucker I went for it. It was decent pay and a decent job, bit stressful at times but overall ok. So last week the temporary promotion came to an end, which is fine, I had been expecting it after all. Normally in our organisation (civil service) you'd expect to be slotted back into your previous role, or another available role at the same grade in the organisation. I had a conversation with a senior manager yesterday about my situation. I learnt that as the role I was doing was too important to be left vacant, they would expect me to still perform the same duties, but on less pay. It was explained to me that the temporary promotion couldn't be…

Long time lurker, first time posting here. So about two years ago I was given a temporary promotion, dressed up as a development opportunity (I know, right) and like a sucker I went for it. It was decent pay and a decent job, bit stressful at times but overall ok.

So last week the temporary promotion came to an end, which is fine, I had been expecting it after all. Normally in our organisation (civil service) you'd expect to be slotted back into your previous role, or another available role at the same grade in the organisation.

I had a conversation with a senior manager yesterday about my situation. I learnt that as the role I was doing was too important to be left vacant, they would expect me to still perform the same duties, but on less pay. It was explained to me that the temporary promotion couldn't be extended beyond 2 years, because that's the organisation's policy.

So I have dug my heels in and refused and demanded I either get my pay increased if they want me to carry on performing the same duties, or I go back to doing my previous role. HR is now involved and I am getting increasingly anxious, but I am not going to be anyone's sucker.

Thankfully we have a strong union, so I know they'll back me to the hilt.

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