
Running Smear Campaign via Glassdoor

Tl;dr leaving as many Glassdoor reviews as possible for the same open positions on our team, with intention of minimizing the amount of people interested in and applying for said job. They created this monster (looking at you senior management!) After over 6 years of chronic understaffing and gaslighting (among other grievances), I slowly developed the idea of using my power to effect change (thanks Rage Against the Machine!) I want to warn others away from this job, while also reducing management’s ability to quickly replace those who leave. I also want to stick it to management, as I feel strongly that IT’S THEIR TURN TO HAVE A SICK FEELING IN THEIR STOMACH EACH MORNING BEFORE WORK. I almost lost my marriage, not to mention my sanity to this job. Of course, I take personal responsibility for my own issues and battles, but years of contemplation and research has proven…

Tl;dr leaving as many Glassdoor reviews as possible for the same open positions on our team, with intention of minimizing the amount of people interested in and applying for said job. They created this monster (looking at you senior management!)

After over 6 years of chronic understaffing and gaslighting (among other grievances), I slowly developed the idea of using my power to effect change (thanks Rage Against the Machine!)

I want to warn others away from this job, while also reducing management’s ability to quickly replace those who leave. I also want to stick it to management, as I feel strongly that IT’S THEIR TURN TO HAVE A SICK FEELING IN THEIR STOMACH EACH MORNING BEFORE WORK. I almost lost my marriage, not to mention my sanity to this job. Of course, I take personal responsibility for my own issues and battles, but years of contemplation and research has proven to me that I’ve wasted some of the best years of my life stressing about this god damned job. And for what? Management only cares about promoting people through nepotism, or of course via the tried and true method of garbling their ballsacks, working 11+ hours every day.

It’s simple: Create many different email accounts, then create Glassdoor accounts for each one of them. Then proceed to leave scathing Glassdoor reviews, making sure to match the position name to the open positions the department is hiring for (companies will periodically change the name of jobs/positions, I think in part just to avoid this exact type of situation). Also, make sure to go in and mark each of the reviews as “found this helpful” from the various accounts, to help potential applicants find your review.

That’s it! At the end of it all, I plan to have at least 5-10 scathing reviews for the open positions, warning applicants from applying.

This should help to increase wages, but also to create awareness about job issues that management has been blissfully ignoring despite our best efforts from within.

Are there any other popular sites people use to research companies/positions before applying? For me, Glassdoor was always the main one, but I’d love to leave some honest reviews wherever you guys are researching job openings nowadays.

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