
Can anyone share their “2 week notice” (professional) resignation letters? I have been trying to put together my own template in prep for quitting my tech job

Short story: I’m tired of managers asking me to handle other people’s roles/responsibilities because they either (1) don’t do their own jobs and (2) if those people leave/fired we never seem to backfill — in spite of promising repeatedly they’ll hire someone — so I’m stuck with doing the work of 3-4 people. Just had enough at this point, but do not wish to burn bridges so I want to go about it the right way. Thanks!

Short story: I’m tired of managers asking me to handle other people’s roles/responsibilities because they either (1) don’t do their own jobs and (2) if those people leave/fired we never seem to backfill — in spite of promising repeatedly they’ll hire someone — so I’m stuck with doing the work of 3-4 people. Just had enough at this point, but do not wish to burn bridges so I want to go about it the right way. Thanks!

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