
Work made me deposit a tip a customer gave me into the cash register

I work for a certain purple and orange shipping company that also does printing services. Today an elderly customer came in with a USPS receipt that had faded and needed help reading it. I happily assisted her and was able to get the tracking number off of it for her. She tipped me $10 and I told her she didn’t need to do that, but she insisted I take it. My manager then comes up to me and tells me that the $10 has to be deposited in the drawer as a miscellaneous transaction and I could not keep it. I asked if I could buy snacks or something from the store so that money would still be going back to the store. I was given a hard no and I gave this multimillion dollar corporation $10 that wasn’t meant for them. I’m beyond tired of working for these greedy…

I work for a certain purple and orange shipping company that also does printing services. Today an elderly customer came in with a USPS receipt that had faded and needed help reading it. I happily assisted her and was able to get the tracking number off of it for her. She tipped me $10 and I told her she didn’t need to do that, but she insisted I take it. My manager then comes up to me and tells me that the $10 has to be deposited in the drawer as a miscellaneous transaction and I could not keep it. I asked if I could buy snacks or something from the store so that money would still be going back to the store. I was given a hard no and I gave this multimillion dollar corporation $10 that wasn’t meant for them. I’m beyond tired of working for these greedy bastards. I’m already mad because I recently got a promotion and they only gave me a $0.57 pay raise. They are also grossly understaffed but can’t find someone willing to work in the store because the pay is abysmal. I’m pretty much done with this place. I don’t want to stick around for the shit show that will be the holidays.

TLDR: manager made me deposit a $10 tip a customer gave me into the drawer as a miscellaneous transaction.

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