
Quit my dream job one hour after my ‘10% raise’ increment level.

Find the email sent out in the comments; do let me know what you think and feel free to tell me what to do. xD Context. Was clear, that I will quit if the money isn't good; no questions asked. Though the common sense thing to do is, resign after you get an other job, putting my papers down today was about self respect and that isn't 'all talk and no bullshit'. P.S. I am not very concerned about getting another job. I was poached to this company by my current boss. I didn't care about the salary cause I felt seen & flattered. P.P.S. Bottom line, screw flattery, always money – and again, don't work for more than paid hours. Nobody gives a fuck & neither should you.

Find the email sent out in the comments; do let me know what you think and feel free to tell me what to do. xD


Was clear, that I will quit if the money isn't good; no questions asked.

Though the common sense thing to do is, resign after you get an other job, putting my papers down today was about self respect and that isn't 'all talk and no bullshit'.

P.S. I am not very concerned about getting another job. I was poached to this company by my current boss. I didn't care about the salary cause I felt seen & flattered.

P.P.S. Bottom line, screw flattery, always money – and again, don't work for more than paid hours. Nobody gives a fuck & neither should you.

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