
Work all 7 days this week without overtime pay?

I actually like my job, and enjoy working hard at my job, going above and beyond to try to be the best at it they’ve ever seen. However, if you aren’t going to reward hard work I’m going to go somewhere that will, so I plan to leave soon and work elsewhere. But I thought you guys would enjoy my little rant, so here goes: Long story short my gm screwed up the schedule for several managers. I have demanded a consistent two days off every week, whichever two days in a row she wants to give me, but the same two days every week. She picked Monday and Tuesday. My fellow supervisor who covers my days off about once a month needs Tuesdays off for school this semester. That’s his only request. His days off don’t even have to be consecutive. Well he included Monday night third shift within…

I actually like my job, and enjoy working hard at my job, going above and beyond to try to be the best at it they’ve ever seen. However, if you aren’t going to reward hard work I’m going to go somewhere that will, so I plan to leave soon and work elsewhere. But I thought you guys would enjoy my little rant, so here goes:

Long story short my gm screwed up the schedule for several managers. I have demanded a consistent two days off every week, whichever two days in a row she wants to give me, but the same two days every week. She picked Monday and Tuesday. My fellow supervisor who covers my days off about once a month needs Tuesdays off for school this semester. That’s his only request. His days off don’t even have to be consecutive.

Well he included Monday night third shift within this request, because the majority of the shift is actually Tuesday am. So she proceeded to schedule him three Monday nights in a row.

The first two he called out for, the last one I offered to cover before it was even time. I offered to give up my three day holiday weekend to fix the gm’s mistake. (I didn’t want to screw over my coworkers just because my gm messed up, but more importantly, could use the overtime money.)

So my gm keeps telling me that it’s too much work, that I’m going to wear myself out. That I need to give one of my shifts away, or come in late a couple days.

She keeps framing it as in my best interest, but clearly just wants to minimize my overtime pay so she can cut her labor costs and get her shiny monthly bonus.

I have already contacted the other managers telling them to make sure they are busy and can’t stay late for any shifts. That I’ll just have to work my hours and get paid my overtime.

TL:DR: I gave up a three day weekend and covered a shift to fix my gm’s scheduling error; now she is trying to cut my hours elsewhere to avoid paying me the overtime I deserve.

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