
my bf is being harassed at work

My bf (33m) just started a new job over a week ago at Lewis bakeries in Indiana. They have a very bad reputation for running off Temps from this agency that hires them at a pretty high wage. I didn't expect it to be as bad as it is though, it's a union run place and they're supposed to get a break every two hours as it is very hot in there. He has only worked there since last Wednesday and as far as he knew he was supposed to work on Sunday even though they told him at the temp agency that he supposed to work Monday through friday. Nevertheless, he drove up there and the whole place was shut down and nobody told him. Nobody told him he had to work Monday either but he showed up. The work is hard, but this foreman started harassing him today…

My bf (33m) just started a new job over a week ago at Lewis bakeries in Indiana. They have a very bad reputation for running off Temps from this agency that hires them at a pretty high wage. I didn't expect it to be as bad as it is though, it's a union run place and they're supposed to get a break every two hours as it is very hot in there. He has only worked there since last Wednesday and as far as he knew he was supposed to work on Sunday even though they told him at the temp agency that he supposed to work Monday through friday. Nevertheless, he drove up there and the whole place was shut down and nobody told him. Nobody told him he had to work Monday either but he showed up. The work is hard, but this foreman started harassing him today and yelling at him, telling him he's lazy and slow etc. Then they told him he has to work 6-6 on his day off or he's fired. I don't think it's OK to yell at Someone because they are a “temp” or abuse them.

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