
My boss wants me to work an upcoming Saturday, insulted me personally when I didn’t immediately agree.

I work 40 hrs Monday-Friday and overtime is not an option at this company. Even if you work more than 40 hrs you will not get paid a cent for thar extra time. He wants me to work a few less hours during the week so I can spend 3 hrs at an even space he rented sever cities away from my house . I told him I can't make promises that I'd agree to it right then. His response was I shouldn't have to think about it because he will drive me (I ride the bus which makes it difficult to get around on Saturdays, so this event would take a big chuck out of my day with no extra pay). I told him that I do have a life outside of this job and his response was “yeah you have SUCH an interesting life. SO interesting. YOUR life…

I work 40 hrs Monday-Friday and overtime is not an option at this company. Even if you work more than 40 hrs you will not get paid a cent for thar extra time. He wants me to work a few less hours during the week so I can spend 3 hrs at an even space he rented sever cities away from my house . I told him I can't make promises that I'd agree to it right then. His response was I shouldn't have to think about it because he will drive me (I ride the bus which makes it difficult to get around on Saturdays, so this event would take a big chuck out of my day with no extra pay). I told him that I do have a life outside of this job and his response was “yeah you have SUCH an interesting life. SO interesting. YOUR life is SO SO interesting!” And then he walked away. He's expecting me to work that Saturday. I feel disrespected, and now I will definitely not be coming in on Saturday.

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