
Looking for genuine advice on my situation

I work in automation, mostly oil and gas; I know its awful, I have almost a years experience now and that's with the software we use the various communication methods and largely Python. I was hired on during the pandemic as a junior integrator, it was very very hard to find work at the time for some reason where I'm at in Canada and I was grateful at the time for the employment. There are however some snags that are really starting to get to me with this job and I would like some advice on how to improve my situation. The stuff that is bothering me: -the pay, is subpar below the national average, I am suppose to have a bi-annual review with my employer as per my contract how ever there is no wiggle room to them on the pay scale because they require me to have a…

I work in automation, mostly oil and gas; I know its awful, I have almost a years experience now and that's with the software we use the various communication methods and largely Python. I was hired on during the pandemic as a junior integrator, it was very very hard to find work at the time for some reason where I'm at in Canada and I was grateful at the time for the employment. There are however some snags that are really starting to get to me with this job and I would like some advice on how to improve my situation.

The stuff that is bothering me:

-the pay, is subpar below the national average, I am suppose to have a bi-annual review with my employer as per my contract how ever there is no wiggle room to them on the pay scale because they require me to have a certain level of nebulous understanding in the system as well as a certification to get a pay raise. This is something I understand I would have to play ball with in order to change.

-the benefits are abysmal, they literally went out and got the cheapest possible health and dental benefits that for the most part refuse to cover most things and will argue about the others, or make you use a finite healthcare spending account

-vacation days are fine they are the minimum I don't expect much more given my experience, but I only get 4 sick days a year 1 per quarter that I have to earn. For a job that requires as much over time as mine does 4 is just ridiculously low

The good stuff about the job:

-the people I'm working with are great

-there is way less structure at this company meaning there isn't much oversight which is nice

-remote work – something I have completely fallen in love with and the main crux of my issue

The Issue

They keep trying to change how many days I have to come into the office. It's been a slow backslide into going in full time. It started off with once every other week, then they were pestering me every week, and now they are demanding twice a week. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but the job is most days an hour away by car, and my significant other is sick right now and I really don't like being the distance I am from them.

On top of that the office environment they have set up is stupid, it's literally a bunch of old men distracting everyone else trying to actually get work done, because all they have to do to get a pay cheque is make 3 phone calls and show up to meetings. I can't focus in the office, I can't get anything done and my productivity hits the floor because of all the distractions. I have ADHD and I just can't make that environment work. Not to mention the chair they have me sitting in is literally killing me and the little I have to sit in it now makes me sore for like a week.

Is there any way I can make this situation work better for me? I'm trying to ride it out to get to a years experience but these boomers are making it so hard.

Things I am doing:

-Saving every communication I get

-I'm going to ask for more accommodations

-Cleaning up my resume

Any help would be appreciated.

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