
Rant: Boss wanted us to clean up in our own time

Hi, this is just a rant I guess, but it’s still bugging me. We work in a small industrial consultancy firm; it’s our boss, two sr. consultants (I’m one of them), four junior consultants and some supporting staff. Important for later: we have big clients and our hourly rate is HIGH (more than a few hundred $$). About eight months ago we threw a party for all our clients because our boss turned 50 and she thought it was a good opportunity to see some old clients as well. She made it clear to us we were expected to treat this as work and not a party (talk to clients, etc. etc.). I’m fine with that, it happens maybe once or twice a year that I have work obligations in the evening and it’s part of the deal I think. So no biggie. The thing that bugged me might be…

Hi, this is just a rant I guess, but it’s still bugging me.

We work in a small industrial consultancy firm; it’s our boss, two sr. consultants (I’m one of them), four junior consultants and some supporting staff.

Important for later: we have big clients and our hourly rate is HIGH (more than a few hundred $$).

About eight months ago we threw a party for all our clients because our boss turned 50 and she thought it was a good opportunity to see some old clients as well. She made it clear to us we were expected to treat this as work and not a party (talk to clients, etc. etc.). I’m fine with that, it happens maybe once or twice a year that I have work obligations in the evening and it’s part of the deal I think. So no biggie.

The thing that bugged me might be considered as petty. Our office has 1 floor and an attic. We spent the hours before the party cleaning up, basically putting half our furniture (big drawing tables, chairs, couches, etc. etc.) upstairs and in the attic. It was a hassle, but we wanted the place to look good.

Now, when the party ended at 10:30 PM, my boss expected us to put everything back. BUT, our party was on a Monday, so we were working the next day from the office as well. My colleague asked her why we couldn’t just do it the next morning, since we would be at the office anyway, and it was late (some colleagues had to drive an hour home). Then my boss said, in a surprised manner: “What do you mean? Tomorrow morning we’re working…?”

So, basically, what she was saying was: “I would prefer you put everything back in your free time, because I don’t want it to cut into your billable hours tomorrow”.

I’m not really one to rock the boat and it was super awkward, because the room was dead silent. So I just did the bare minimum and went home after 25 minutes. To be honest, I regret not sticking up for myself and saying no, because it still pissess me off, even though it was quite some time ago. It made me notice her being cheap on other fronts as well and I’m considering handing in my two weeks’ notice.

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