
The day my daughter learned Mommy don’t take no crap from kid bosses

One of the biggest problems we have is that giving a little bit of power to big egos makes life hard for everyone. I worked childcare at a gym, part-time. I loved the kids; the moms were a little “entitled” — this was a very rich town — so much so that we were told not to accept tips from the parents (although the desk “manager” often took them as he signed the parents out of the gym). This was a facility that changes names depending on the state you were in. One school holiday, I brought my daughter in with me, plus a DVD kids liked, and proceeded to take in clients' kids. Picture a windowless room with a small ball pit, wall mounted tv, tyke tables with toys & coloring pages (I supplied using their copier). Picture it crammed with kids. Now it wasn't daycare per se, but…

One of the biggest problems we have is that giving a little bit of power to big egos makes life hard for everyone. I worked childcare at a gym, part-time. I loved the kids; the moms were a little “entitled” — this was a very rich town — so much so that we were told not to accept tips from the parents (although the desk “manager” often took them as he signed the parents out of the gym). This was a facility that changes names depending on the state you were in. One school holiday, I brought my daughter in with me, plus a DVD kids liked, and proceeded to take in clients' kids. Picture a windowless room with a small ball pit, wall mounted tv, tyke tables with toys & coloring pages (I supplied using their copier). Picture it crammed with kids. Now it wasn't daycare per se, but I knew the state's regulations of 4-5 children per watching adult. We had taken in 15 kids and some of the personalities were clashing. I asked the front desk kid (I was well over 35, this child had just gotten his license to drive, but his cousin was the facility manager, so he thought he was big) to put up the “childcare full” sign. Nope — he sends in a cleaning staff lady whose English is very spotty. Okay, one MORE body in a 10 X 15 room. Then some mom who “has to” get to exercise class comes in. Now I like her & her kid very much, but THERE'S NO ROOM! She gets all insistant, whining and pleading….I think a “tip” may have been involved, because the next thing I know, he sends the kid in, & mom enters the gym. I can't leave the room so I call out the door “I thought I told you that we can't take in anymore kids! It's against state regulations!” 2 minutes later Cousin Big Boss comes in & gives me hell for “yelling” at desk kid in front of patrons, & adds that after this shift I shouldn't come back. {I neither cringed nor apologized — I told him that there were too many kids in this crowded room, as per state regulations. Also he was chewing me out in front of the patrons KIDS, but I held my tongue about that.}
I told instructed daughter to take the DVD out of the player {which set the kids wailing} & said “If I am fired, I am leaving NOW. You have my address. Mail me my final check.” The cleaning lady is looking at me with pleading eyes filled with terror — those 16 kids were now HER responsibility. Cousin manager says “You can't DO that! Who's gonna watch these kids?” I told him “Ask your cousin — he isn't doing much at the front desk but causing trouble.” And I walked. My daughter, now over 25, says that on that one day off from school she learned so much — about life. I didn't start the day ready leave that minimum wage job, but I was easily pursuaded, by a teenager given power over a woman. Or so HE thought.

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