
I no longer work there but this is my first job that had me join this sub

I have been following this sub for a while now and I wanted to share why I joined because my old boss called me asking if I’d come back. My first job was when I was 17 (still technically a minor) which was about a year ago. I worked in a popular breakfast and coffee shop with 6 hour shifts, which isn’t too bad for me. Before this I did babysitting so I thought I could deal with a fast paced work place easy. But here’s the issue every day I worked I worked more 7-9 hour shifts because she made me stay behind to continue cleaning I never complained I just did it. One day me and the other cashiers were having a bad day so we helped each other out with our side work so we could leave on time and we all got write ups the next…

I have been following this sub for a while now and I wanted to share why I joined because my old boss called me asking if I’d come back.

My first job was when I was 17 (still technically a minor) which was about a year ago. I worked in a popular breakfast and coffee shop with 6 hour shifts, which isn’t too bad for me. Before this I did babysitting so I thought I could deal with a fast paced work place easy. But here’s the issue every day I worked I worked more 7-9 hour shifts because she made me stay behind to continue cleaning I never complained I just did it. One day me and the other cashiers were having a bad day so we helped each other out with our side work so we could leave on time and we all got write ups the next day. And she would have me punch out for my break but have me work through it so I worked those shifts with no break. I sent her my two weeks and she was furious, she had bullied every newby out of the job and I was one of the last standing new hires. I was there for 2 months.

About a week ago I was in the area and I guess she saw me because I got a call from her asking if I’d be open to coming back with a raise that is less than the job I have a interview for coming up. I laughed a little and declined but it reminded me why I joined this sub.

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