
My job punishes us for getting our work done early/ leaving early

We operate on a “point system” and leaving early constitutes half a point. 8 points and you’re fired. On my third day I completed my work about 2 hours before it was time to clock out. I asked my supervisor (he’s actually pretty cool) if I could leave early and he said if it was up to him I could but if I left I’d receive half a point due to company policy. I told him but I’ve already done all of my work for the day. He responded with he knows but his bosses wouldn’t allow me to leave without consequence…. He then told me to just grab a broom and look busy…… for two fucking hours just look busy….. How fucking blasphemous…

We operate on a “point system” and leaving early constitutes half a point. 8 points and you’re fired. On my third day I completed my work about 2 hours before it was time to clock out. I asked my supervisor (he’s actually pretty cool) if I could leave early and he said if it was up to him I could but if I left I’d receive half a point due to company policy. I told him but I’ve already done all of my work for the day. He responded with he knows but his bosses wouldn’t allow me to leave without consequence…. He then told me to just grab a broom and look busy…… for two fucking hours just look busy…..

How fucking blasphemous…

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