
If you’re in the UK, here are some actions you can take to communicate your support of strikes!

Decided to just post a couple of things that people can do right now, without getting up, to actively support strike action here in the UK. Firstly: Join YouGov. You know when some statistic is brought out about how the public thinks on an issue? That data is collected through YouGov, a survey website. There are rewards you can earn (but I'll be honest they take bare long to get) but mainly you're getting your opinion put into government and media statistics. Currently they are running a survey on rail strike action, so go fill that in! Secondly: shoot an email to your MP. Doesn't have to be long, doesn't have to be daunting. The parliamentary website will have contact information listed for them. Just write something along the lines of “I think it is abhorrent how public sector workers have been thrown under the bus the last 12 years…

Decided to just post a couple of things that people can do right now, without getting up, to actively support strike action here in the UK.

Firstly: Join YouGov. You know when some statistic is brought out about how the public thinks on an issue? That data is collected through YouGov, a survey website. There are rewards you can earn (but I'll be honest they take bare long to get) but mainly you're getting your opinion put into government and media statistics. Currently they are running a survey on rail strike action, so go fill that in!

Secondly: shoot an email to your MP. Doesn't have to be long, doesn't have to be daunting. The parliamentary website will have contact information listed for them. Just write something along the lines of “I think it is abhorrent how public sector workers have been thrown under the bus the last 12 years and I support their strike action.” If they're a Tory (I'm so sorry) maybe ask them how they can stand with a party that is doing this to public services (especially if your MP is Nadine Dorries. She was a nurse for a time, I want to know how she can stand with the Tories, given the subject matter of some of her books.) If they're not, ask them if they support the strikes and what action they're taking to keep the issue high profile in their party.

MPs look upon emails as very telling to their constituents opinions. They probably look upon each email as equivalent to 150 people, so they're well worth writing, and can sometimes get a lot done (my father had a good experience with John Gummer years back, and letters to MPs was in large part how universal suffrage was won.)

This is all besides not scabbing/blacklegging, listening to picketers as to what is the best action for a member of the public (this is not always boycott) and dismantling misinformation about strikers when it comes up around you, of course.

The Tories thrive on people being politically disengaged. Don't let them win.

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