
20+ People are losing their jobs this month, and apparently it’s my fault.

Throwaway since friends know my regular username. I'll refer to my employer as “Co”, manager as “mgr”, and our supervisor as “super”. Tl;dr – Co decides to rollout company-wide change immediately instead of waiting until January, forcing 20+ people out of a job with no severance. Voice concern to super, who says it's my fault because I was unhappy with the changes. ​ Background 1 – I help manage an apartment complex in a major city, and we recently had a change of ownership. Previous owners had struggled to make the property profitable for years, and I was able to kickstart marketing to reach >90% capacity in under a year, and hit 99% the following year while also correcting the bookkeeping. This helped them to sell the property for a nice profit, and reached an agreement with the buyers to keep me on at the same pay with more annual…

Throwaway since friends know my regular username. I'll refer to my employer as “Co”, manager as “mgr”, and our supervisor as “super”.

Tl;dr – Co decides to rollout company-wide change immediately instead of waiting until January, forcing 20+ people out of a job with no severance. Voice concern to super, who says it's my fault because I was unhappy with the changes.

Background 1 – I help manage an apartment complex in a major city, and we recently had a change of ownership. Previous owners had struggled to make the property profitable for years, and I was able to kickstart marketing to reach >90% capacity in under a year, and hit 99% the following year while also correcting the bookkeeping. This helped them to sell the property for a nice profit, and reached an agreement with the buyers to keep me on at the same pay with more annual vacation days as part of the contract of the sale.

Background 2 – New owners are a massive company that are notorious for handling takeovers poorly and changing everything, which is (essentially) worst-case scenario for the kinds of clients I have. However, first impressions were good when investors came in and were actively seeking to help make improvements that residents and management felt were most needed. Only red flag was a change in commission structure that would cut bonuses significantly, but this was addressed by adding other bonuses that filled the gaps.

Background 3 – I have built a good relationship and friendship with both mgr and super over the last few years, and we have all been very transparent and trusting of each other. Even going out for drinks and hanging out occasionally, and we've all been very supportive anytime the others needed it. This is important later.

First sign of trouble – In early summer, there was a company meeting that was changed to managers and supervisors only at the last second. This was strange, but everyone dismissed it and went on with their work as normal. Later, mgr and super both tell me what was happening. The company was planning to partner with another company to eliminate my role at all properties in the new year, and it would be replaced with someone at the home office that would handle administrative and financial tasks on behalf of the 3-6 properties they were to be assigned. In theory, the idea was to offer everyone in my position to either transition to this new role or move to a 3rd-party property if they wanted to continue working on-site. The meeting was to introduce the program, but they realized at the last minute that there was crucial information missing that would lead to more questions than answers (and potential panic), and decided to only introduce the concept to upper management and property managers.

2nd Sign of trouble – By late July, I had noticed several issues coming up with the company's new software, but my concerns were falling on deaf ears. I voiced my worries to mgr and super, who both were supportive of me seeking other opportunities and possibly making the shift early, and followed up with the city director. They knew from day 1 that I had intended to get a job in a new industry, but stayed this long because I enjoyed working with them and wanted to give this every chance I could. However, after meeting with the corporate manager over the new department, they followed up by saying they had gone in another direction. Mgr, super, and I all thought this was strange since we were under the impression that it was a shift that would be offered regardless. Mgr is told by super to allow them a chance to find out more.

The last 5 days – On Thursday, super finds out that the investors have chosen to move forward with the new program immediately, and everyone with my role would no longer be employed after Sept 30. All supervisors are told to inform managers at their discretion. Super immediately calls mgr, and they agree to tell me first thing in the morning, which they do. I'm told there will be no severance, and unused vacation pay will “likely” be paid out. Of course, I request to have all of the terms be provided in writing after final confirmation, and said I would like to receive the information in the coming week since I would be on vacation the week following. I use the long weekend to reach out to contacts that might be able to help me find work that will allow me to pay my own rent starting in October.

Yesterday, mgr and I chat about our concerns with the new program, and I inform them that I will be forced to utilize some of my time in the office to job hunt, as well as I would no longer go out of my way to assist with anything outside of my basic job functions since I am no longer valued as a member of the team by the employer. I make sure to say that I know it is not their fault, but that I would not put in extra effort if I am not staying. They understand and offer to help if possible.

TODAY – Mgr is working from home, and we have not heard anything from super about updates on severance or paying out vacation, so I call super to ask if there's any new info. I'm told the no severance info was from the original schedule for January, and they would be speaking with the director to find out for sure. I voice my concern over Co's inconsistent communication (this wasn't the only issue that saw a breakdown of communication this year) and potential for others in my role to still not know about the upcoming sudden change (mgr and I have heard from others that it has not been shared yet), and that this comes off as hypocritical when Co advertises such an employee-focused environment, yet spring this on the front offices last second with zero structure to inform management nor residents, and what seems to be no intent to help us. In return, super changes tone to say that they had recommended the shift be done in October instead of January because I had told them I was unhappy working with Co, and they figured I could give notice to leave any day and should go ahead and do this now. Also said they had experienced no issue with vacations or pay with Co and doesn't think there will be any issue. I'm silent for a moment out of shock to hear this from them before saying “Ok,” and they say they would find out about my questions and ended the call.

I had felt that this was someone I could trust with honest feedback, and now it has been thrown back in my face as a reason for why Co is making changes for all of these properties. I'm honestly hurt by the whole thing, and I've left out quite a bit of other issues with Co in order to keep the post from turning into a book, as well as attempting to keep it from being too obvious of who I am.

I do recognize the fact that I'm fortunate to have as much notice as I do, and mgr is still very supportive of me. I'm doubting if I should be as upset as I am, and welcome any feedback.

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