
What even was this interview?

I applied for a job this morning, within minutes the recruiter reaches out asking for an interview. Found it weird but I decide to schedule it for this afternoon. We get on a teams call (since when is this a thing with recruiters?) and they tell me they need to pull up my resume and job. They tell me they should have it saved somewhere but can't find it for a few minutes. As I talk about my experience, they are handwriting notes and asking me to repeat things. Middle of the interview they read the description word for word to see what it was, and asks why I'm qualified. My experience checks off all requirements, years of experience in field and industry, at the end of the interview they ask if I'd go for a lower level role. I would not go anywhere near your company.

I applied for a job this morning, within minutes the recruiter reaches out asking for an interview. Found it weird but I decide to schedule it for this afternoon. We get on a teams call (since when is this a thing with recruiters?) and they tell me they need to pull up my resume and job. They tell me they should have it saved somewhere but can't find it for a few minutes. As I talk about my experience, they are handwriting notes and asking me to repeat things. Middle of the interview they read the description word for word to see what it was, and asks why I'm qualified. My experience checks off all requirements, years of experience in field and industry, at the end of the interview they ask if I'd go for a lower level role. I would not go anywhere near your company.

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